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Ady Reguator Potassium Lactate, Citric Acid, Sat, Favour Enlancet
Monosodium Glutanate), Colour (Carotenes, Antioxia Crocophero Alch
Extrac), Stabiliser Potassium Carbonate, Hour Treatment Agent (Sodum
Ground Tumeric, Yeast Esxtract Dred Tomato (0.5%), Farour Enances
Potsim Chloride, Salt Thickener (Guar Gum), Ground Anis Sed, Ground Fend
Seed, Onion Powder, Tomato Powder, Acid (Citric Acid), Black Pepper Extrat, Cardamom Oi, Chili Powder, Clove Extract, Ground Cardamom, Gro Carde,
Category: Batchelors, Chicken Noodles, Noodles, Super Noodles